Friday 20 November 2009

Horror re-make

The group i am working in have been Creating and studying our horror re-make of the first opening two and half minutes of saw for the last two weeks, the re-making has helped us great amount, We have become more familiar with camera shots and angles and using editing programmes. I think that our group have worked well, by using our gant chart we have worked and devised a good working plan to make sure that everybody is wokring well and fairly within the group. I have been working on the group Media works presentation for aroudn the last week and a half, i have managaed to four pages including History of horror, genre's and storylines and characters. The media works presentation has needed a lot of working as it involves a lot of secondary research, which is easier to do within a group. We have also become more familiar with the Adobe Premier programme which we found we had trouble with in our previous work the Preliminary task. We are now more familiar with it and know we can develop our work to a better standard, by working as a group we can have more input into the production and work out how we can do it to a good standard. We have used some of the audio from the real movie 'Saw' by editing the audio to show that we have used and developed our ideas with the real film, we have been looking into the film on youtube, whilst editing our opening re make to make it seem more realistic and well known to us, we want to show that we know this film well and have developed our ideas by learning new things.

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