Tuesday 10 November 2009

Preliminary Task

Unit G321 Preliminary Task AS Media Studies
Preliminary Task Evaluation

I believe that my piece of film demonstrates continuity well, the piece of film carries on from scene to scene with no gaps in between, the continuity has been demonstrated well, this is mainly because of the editing programme that I used, this helped to look at the piece of film with sound clearly, by doing so this helped to look at the continuity through the piece of film, therefore helping the over all piece of film have continuity through out the piece of film. Separating the cameras into folders helped pick out each clip that the group needed in order to make sure that the piece of film had continuity making it easier and less confusing to fit together. After reviewing our film we also found a fault from our piece of film, at the beginning the door slams twice, this disregards the continuity for our film, but due to the lack of time we had, we felt that it was to late to change this and with music we felt it was not a major issue to fall back on.

We have demonstrated match on action throughout the film, however this is more of a difficult technique to show through out the piece of film we have created, the shot reverse shot has been shown through our piece of film, having three cameras, one to the left with a close up as well as to the right and one in the middle of the scene showing a medium shot of the two characters, having three camera help’s create the shot reverse shot, match on action as well as the 180- degree techniques more easily, however all of these techniques can be challenging to get into one piece of film but with these editing techniques are very helpful because it makes the scene run throughout with no gaps in between, it also makes the film feel more realistic as well as filmed well, cutting and using these editing techniques makes the piece of film more studied.

I feel that the group I worked in could have worked better, however every person was willing to have a go at a part of editing the film. I think working in a large group can sometimes make it difficult for things to be done fairly as well as equally, this has taught me to join a smaller group within the future or to create a time scheme for when people can edit the programme, making this fairer and people feeling more involved. Despite all of this I think that my group did pull together and create a good enough piece to present, but this has been a learning experience for all of us.

If I had the chance to film this piece again, I would definitely make sure that the lighting within the place that the scene was filmed was the same for each camera angle, this is because to have continuity in the film I think this could make a difference. I would also try and spend less time on the actors in the scene, as the less time you spend repeating the lines, is time that could be used on the editing which could affect the overall outcome of the film piece.

I think this video was planned considerably well. Being giving a script gave us a head start for filming the video, we knew how many actors to have as well as what to say. We also knew how many cameras to have as well as where. I think we could have improved on our video by placing the camera in the correct position, which could make our filming more accurate to show the 180- degree. However I think that the editing programme can affect the outcome of the video for the better also giving us an advantage. The plan for our video could have been progressed more, we could have thought of a better place to film as well as more characters to show how we had showed our, initiative throughout the filming.

The piece of film does use transitions, by juxtaposing the scenes together; separate parts of the story have been put together to create the story. Using the editing programme helped to use transitions correctly throughout the piece of film, transitions help to cut to the next scene, suggesting the passage of time. Creating the transitions helps make the piece more clear for the observer, however for our group we found this difficult because the programme did not run quickly, leading to the programme freezing which resulting in taking more time, which left us less time to improve on this.

I have learnt a lot about the editing software whilst doing the exercise, when I first starting using the programme I felt it was very challenging but working in a group makes things easier, with more input things can get done quicker as well as more thinking is involved to work things out. The editing programme is not very easy to get the hang of but I feel that my group worked well to learn throughout the exercise. Using this programme has helped me a lot for the future, I now know how to transfer the film clips from the camera on to the right drives on the computer, to then use the editing software. Whilst our group have created this video clip, I feel that we are still learning, but I think this is seen as a good thing, as the editing software is helping us to learn to therefore help us in future programmes to do more efficiently and with more confidence.

The technologies from the processing of the constructing of this film have been educational, I have learnt all of the features on the cameras, as well how to set out camera angles within the correct way. I have also learnt how to transfer filming from the camera on to the computer, in which transferring folder upon folder to save more time to use the editing programme. I feel that the member of my group, as well as myself are more familiar with the editing software as well as the technologies, giving us more confidence as well and familiarity with the programmes and camera facilities.

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