Wednesday 13 January 2010

Audition Information
Whilst auditioning i helped the team find people that i knew were interested in taking part in the filming process, i also helped with the poster design and putting them around school where i thought would be the best place.

Kingsford production team held auditions for our short film ‘Lesson Learnt’ on Friday they 11th of December at 11:00am. To advertise and alert our auditions we put up posters with all the details on around the school in mthe main areas such as canteen hall, dram doors etc. Our auditions had a good turn out and we managed to cast our entire film in one audition process. This is who we have cast to be in our film:

Douglas – Keegan Featherstone
Fuchsia – Emmaline Gordon
Dead Body #1- Alex Cockburn
News Reporter #1- Glynn Harries
News Reporter #2- Gemma Peacock

As a team we are really pleased with who we have cast, we feel that we have all the characters we need and who we have cast meets our character description well. Within the opening of the film that we are filming there is not much speech as we feel it adds to the suspense and horror of the piece. Therefore when casting our film we had the actors improvise what they thought there character would say. We also asked certain characters to pretend to be dead etc. in order to get into there role

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