Tuesday 23 February 2010

Final film
This is our final film that we have created. We feel that we have made some worhtwhile changes thanks to our first draft. We had soem trouble using the aditing programme 'Adobe Elements' so we discovered another programme on a computer outside of school, by using this other programme we have been able to be successful and finish out film on time as well as with good audio sounds, transitions and good credits and titles. We are very happy with the edits we have made and feel that we have made a big development from our first draft.
First Draft
This is my group's first draft, this was the one that we needed to complete within the deadline, although it is missing clips from our final film we wanted to make a first draft so that we could get feedback from people on how we could improve it, so that we could take this into consideration for our final peice. Creating a first draft has helped us later improve our final production because we could look at the transitions and credits and make changes to make our film more professional.

Monday 15 February 2010

Friday 10th Feb

Editing Process 2
We carried on editing our film and started on our new shots of the garage scenes because the old ones did not work. We feel that our new shots of the garage scene are much better as the misen scene used is more realistic and works much better for the type of genre our film is going to be. We have half term now untill, 22nd of Feb so we are going to meet up as a whole group to finish the editing of our film.We know that having to re-film has set us back but we need to pull together in order to finish the editing to produce a good film.

Progression 5
Me, James and India re-filmed the garage scene as our first shoot was not very good, we learnt from the mistakes we did the first time by not placing cameras where they would be in the shot of the scene and not showing the face of the antagonist as all through the film we dont want to see his face. Aswell as this, we did slightly change the way we filmed to the film schedule as we used different props because we felt they were better than the old ones. We feel a lot better and have now learnt from our mistakes, we are all very pleased with the shots that were taken and feel that we can now edit to create a much better believable film. I had to film most of the shots myself because we used a few of our members as we had difficulties with using our original characters due to loss of time, because of this i had to do some by myself but i felt that we all came together as a group to film some good scenes.
Progression 4 - 9th Feb
Our group has decided to refilm the garage scene because in each of our shots we have the camera crew in view so ideally we cannot use the shots because it does not look professional. We agreed to refilm this garage scenes within the next few days to allow our film to be much better when we carry on editing our piece and maybe change a couple of shots to help make the misen sccene much better.

Editing Process- Thursday 28th Jan
Our group started on editing the News Report scene for our film. This is so that we can go on to film another scene that we need, to make sure we get it all done on time. Filming the scene like this makes the shot more effective and interesting as it shows that the processes of the killings are happening at the time in question. We decided in the end to not flick between different shots instead use a mid shot throughout because thats what a standard news report is like. After putting the last scene of the garage, we realised that we had not got any good footage, as we made a mistake of having people in our shot. We felt that this was a big learning curve, as we then knew this had set us back and had to consider filming this scene all over again.

Progession 3, 24th Jan
Me, Tom, India and James managed to film all of our garage scenes taking shots from three different angles to allow us to combine together during the editing process to make the film more professional. Instead of putting an actual person in the bin bags during the filming of the killer taking the body out of his van, we used a couple of bin bags and a duvet to allow the bag to be padded out so it looks like there is a real body inside.
Film Diary for the 21st January 2010

Progression 2
India, Tom and James managed to film the pub scene showing the killer drawing in his next victim to be killed. We filmed at three different angles again to help us edit the scene better on the editing programme by using transitions.. Also, one of the very first scenes in the film where a dead body is found in a pile of dead leaves with blood that India made over the victims face.Another scene that was shot was the first dead body which had been killed, the group discussed that the fake blood needed to be used well by covering his face so it is believable. He is also laying in a deserted feild which adds to the dangerous feel.

Progression 1

We have been filming the news report scene and have uploaded it to the computer ready for editing. In this scene we filmed three angles of the shot, which are all mid angle shots, this is so that we can begin to edit the filming, and make transitions between the camera angles to show that we have developed our angles. Also using the same angle throughout a scene can make it seems rather boring, and can show that not much effort was put into the filming ideas.

Wednesday 10 February 2010

This is a photo of the person Keegan who we have used as our killer in our moveie 'Lesson Learnt' we have decided to use this Keegan as our main character because we feel that his audition was the best, most confident one. Similarly we have chosen Keegan also because of his dark hair and his potential features as the killer in our film. We wanted to choose someone who can pull off looking intimidating but not too fierce. This is due to the rest of our storyline within the film. Keegan also fits the character profile the most. He represents dark hair and darkfeatures.

This is Emmaline, who plays the character 'Fuschia' who is one of the killers two victims. This character is dressed in innocent colours such as whites, and pastels in contrast to her blood red hair which connotes death and gore.

This is Alex, who plays the killers first vicitim, we chose alex to play the dead body because he looks innocent. We are going to cover the dead bodies face with blood to show that he is dead, it will be one shot that is continuously going over his dead still face to denote his death with silence.

This is the female character that we have chosen to use for one of the news reporters. We have chosen a woman and a man for this role because we feel that it follows the typical conventions of a news report that the audience would normally expect to see, also this makes the even seem more realistic, including the fact that they are infront of the high school which makes it seem more tragic. We chose this character with blonde hair dressed in smart chlothes to connote innocence within the character who is doing her job. She will be dressed in a white shirt and smart suit chlothes, this is to mirror her smart job and the seriousness within the situation.

This is the male reporter who will be acting with the females blonde character also dressed in a smart suit and tie. This is to also reflect the innocence within the scenario that the audience is given. We wanted the news reporters to look reletively smart and well spoken, because this will make it seem more realistic and relevent to the storyline. By having a male and female who are both smart and well spoken it will reflect the story. Having a news report at the end of the trailer also leaves a cliff hanger and allows the audience to know what is going on, and follow the storyline without getting confused. We also used these two characters mainly because of their age, they are resonably older than the rest of the cast we have used, because this connotes the seriousness within the scene again and is more realistic.