Monday 15 February 2010

Film Diary for the 21st January 2010

Progression 2
India, Tom and James managed to film the pub scene showing the killer drawing in his next victim to be killed. We filmed at three different angles again to help us edit the scene better on the editing programme by using transitions.. Also, one of the very first scenes in the film where a dead body is found in a pile of dead leaves with blood that India made over the victims face.Another scene that was shot was the first dead body which had been killed, the group discussed that the fake blood needed to be used well by covering his face so it is believable. He is also laying in a deserted feild which adds to the dangerous feel.

Progression 1

We have been filming the news report scene and have uploaded it to the computer ready for editing. In this scene we filmed three angles of the shot, which are all mid angle shots, this is so that we can begin to edit the filming, and make transitions between the camera angles to show that we have developed our angles. Also using the same angle throughout a scene can make it seems rather boring, and can show that not much effort was put into the filming ideas.

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