Monday 15 February 2010

Friday 10th Feb

Editing Process 2
We carried on editing our film and started on our new shots of the garage scenes because the old ones did not work. We feel that our new shots of the garage scene are much better as the misen scene used is more realistic and works much better for the type of genre our film is going to be. We have half term now untill, 22nd of Feb so we are going to meet up as a whole group to finish the editing of our film.We know that having to re-film has set us back but we need to pull together in order to finish the editing to produce a good film.

Progression 5
Me, James and India re-filmed the garage scene as our first shoot was not very good, we learnt from the mistakes we did the first time by not placing cameras where they would be in the shot of the scene and not showing the face of the antagonist as all through the film we dont want to see his face. Aswell as this, we did slightly change the way we filmed to the film schedule as we used different props because we felt they were better than the old ones. We feel a lot better and have now learnt from our mistakes, we are all very pleased with the shots that were taken and feel that we can now edit to create a much better believable film. I had to film most of the shots myself because we used a few of our members as we had difficulties with using our original characters due to loss of time, because of this i had to do some by myself but i felt that we all came together as a group to film some good scenes.

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